One of the bloodiest days in Myanmar: 38 protesters killed

Today 38 people were killed in anti-coup protests in Myanmar. State television reported that it was one of the bloodiest days since demonstrators first took to the streets. At least 22 protesters were said to have been killed in the former capital, Yangon, after police intervention.

A state of emergency has been declared in Hlaingthaya, an industrial suburb on the western edge of Yangon. Most of the victims fell there on Sunday morning. As long as the state of emergency remains in effect, the designated military commander has authority in the area.

Chinese factories were also looted and destroyed in the same suburb this weekend. The Chinese embassy in Myanmar says the Chinese employees have been forced into hiding and some have been injured. The embassy asked officials in the country to protect Chinese citizens and companies.

Home raids

On social media, countless photos can be seen of severely wounded and dead protesters being carried away by others or taken to hospitals on motorbikes.

Some hospitals are in police hands and protesters are avoiding them. The army and the police are also removing the bodies of protesters from the streets.

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