We send you to the cinema in the films “The Mauritanian” and “The Fall”, two films with hearts in the right place

For us, cinema remains the perfect place to hide from the harsh world. However, you can also encounter cruelty there. as in Mauritanian It tells the story of a young man imprisoned in Guantanamo for fifteen years. or like drop, Where John has to deal with his ruthless father Willis.

MauritanianFinally, the real shock comes

Films about terrorism, with which Hollywood is becoming more careful. Of course a movie like Zero Dark Thirty Could you. The hunt for Osama bin Laden’s – ahem! The victory of the United States: Of course we want to photograph it! But people prefer to stay away from the ugly side of their history. Unless this “guys” is called Kevin MacDonald, of course, the director who became famous The last king of Scotland On playing condition.

he met Mauritanian MacDonald tells about the spot called Guantanamo Bay based on the real life story of Muhammadu Salehi. In 2001, about two months after 9/11, Slahi was arrested in his home country. From there he was transferred to a prison in Jordan and from there to Afghanistan before disappearing into Guantanamo Bay. All this time, his family was not informed and no charges were brought against him.

Three more years later, I heard the case of Nancy Hollander (Jodie Foster), here played by Jodie Foster. She is drawn to the case and, along with Terry Duncan (Shailene Woodley), wants to know exactly what crimes Slahi is accused of. Their investigation intersects with that of Stuart Koch (Benedict Cumberbatch), a military lawyer who is expected to bring Slahi to court.

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Taher Rahim and Jodie Foster in Mauritania.

The above names explain: Kevin MacDonald can count on an outstanding team and they all do their job well. But he is Tahir Rahim, who we know from the Netflix series Serpent On Eddie Which made an impression in the distant past in Prophet Which leaves the greatest impression in this distinguished representation, both in the scenes that take place in the present and the past.

The long sequence in which Salahi is tortured stays with us the longest after watching. That is, of course, what MacDonald wants to say. Not that Al-Salahi is an innocent blank canvas – he trained with Al Qaeda in 1991 and knew people who were involved in hateful acts – but people deserve second chances in life and can change their convictions. Two months later, Slahi returned home from the base, went to school and received a scholarship to study in Germany. Opportunity grabbed it with both hands.

Taher Rahim in “The Mauritanian”.

Mauritanian So it’s definitely a good movie, but it’s also unforgettable. MacDonald’s direction could have been tighter, the first half of the movie isn’t something we’ve seen before and is somewhat predictable, but it’s the second half of the movie that’s impressive. Although we were really shocked there, it is recommended to sit to the end.

There we learned that the Obama administration had appealed Slahi’s release, that Slahi must remain in prison for several more years (nearly 15 years in total), and that of the 779 detainees at Guantánamo, only eight have been convicted. The Supreme Court overturned the convictions of three of them. These are the numbers we want to dive into.

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Score: 7/10

drop: quite repetitive, but the heart is in the right place

The only moment we were jealous of Danira was when Viggo Mortensen was a guest on her talk show. Today Anyone have to talk about his directorial debut? drop. Mortensen – now 62 – is not only an actor, painter, and poet, but now an official director as well.

drop It is what they call a passion project. Mortensen directed and wrote the screenplay, and was also a music producer and collaborator. He also does a role in the movie himself, although this wasn’t originally intended, but it turns out to be an effective way to get funding for the movie. After all, Mortensen did not pay himself for all his work. The money that was supposed to be his wages went straight back into the movie.

at drop We see the story of Willis Peterson, a farmer with very conservative ideas, but who can no longer survive on his own due to advanced dementia. His son John comes to pick him up and takes him to Los Angeles to find a solution together. Until this solution is found, Willis remains at the home of John and his partner Eric.

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drop Not an autobiographical movie, although Mortensen’s parents, stepfather, and grandparents also suffer from dementia. The seed for this movie was his mother’s funeral. There my son heard all kinds of stories that he didn’t think happened that way. On the plane back home, the idea began to ripen to make a film about how unreliable memory can be.

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We recently watched the best movie about the unreliability of memory and it is still showing in theaters: the father. the picture in drop Dementia is a fairly classic, and it’s hard to sympathize with Willis’ character as he yells and curses all the time and lets his worldview be determined by his xenophobia and homophobia. drop So it’s more of a family movie than dementia. More so about illness, this is a movie about a father and son who lose each other somewhere along the way because the son didn’t develop into the son his father had in mind.

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Family history can be painful, everyone knows it, and sometimes the damage is too great to repair. Willis has put himself in this position. He is steeped in resentment, and he is angry with everything and everyone. In the cutest, most intense scene, John blames his father for not saying “I love you” or “Sorry.” For his part, the father never felt love from his son and daughter. “I never benefited from doubt,” he says. “You never looked at me the way you looked at your mother.” Therein lies the unspoken pain of life and the heart of the film.

drop A bit classic and too repetitive to really impress, but it’s a movie with its heart in the right place. And Viggo, we wish him a salary for his next movie.

Score: 6/10

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